Today, we are all praying for our most beloved Maria Zuleika Ferreira Gomes Cardim de Queiroz Guimarães, who passed away to go live with our Holy Father seven days ago, and thanking God and Our Lady Mary for the opportunity we were given of being taught with so much nobility and Faith by this woman of a unique personality who was and still is beloved by many.

Along with her husband Luis Octávio, she was our mentor at the institute and in life, teaching many of the lessons we are now trying to share through our projects. A book and literature lover, she had among her childhood favorites The Little Prince by Saint-Exupéry and the stories by Countess of Ségur, such as General Dourakine, which she kept with care, wrapped in green plastic, to give to her grandchildren years later.

She loved other arts too: embroidery, piano and ballet. She was given her first ballet slipper by her father when she was still young. It was made of silk satin and wood sole, by hand. She kept it for decades, along with ballet clothes, tulles and other accessories that reminded her of the time in which she turned pirouettes at the São Paulo City Theater, dancing alone, on pointe, The Death of the Swan, by Camille Saint-Saens. It was around the same time, at 15 years old, that she had her sweet “fifteen”, as it is celebrated in Brazil. Her yellow tulle dress had many layers and looked like a fairy tale dress.

She left the stage to dedicate her time to study and graduated in Library Sciences when most women still had to fight for their rights to learn, always encouraging us to love books and read. She was the one who chose who she would marry with, where she would live and with whom, she made it seem that the life at the countryside, with eight kids and then sixteen grandchildren, was not that complicated.

She got married at Catedral da Sé, with music by the recently arrived organ from Milan. And for the 65 years that followed, she kept her word: for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, with respect and love every day of her life.

She was faithful not only to her husband, but to God above all. She served Him through her marriage, family, daily work and dedicating her time and her house so that more and more people could also meet Him at retreats she organized for families and young adults at Fazenda São Pedro. Her sweet and faithful way was and will always be a model to us all.

Thank you, grandma, you made us grow and be what we are today!

A most special hug from each one of your grandchildren.

We love you.