Today is International Family Farming Day, July 25. Family farming is responsible for the majority of the world’s food production, and in Brazil it produces 40 percent of agricultural products using only 25 percent of farmlands (source: FAO). Besides its importance for local rural economy, family farming causes less environmental damages, which led FAO to create in 2014, the International Year of Family Farming, the slogan “Feeding the world, caring for the earth”.

National Farmer Day is also this week in Brazil, on July 28. To celebrate both dates, we have selected a few home garden ideas so everyone can bring to their lives the joy of caring for a plant. To see life germinate from a seed, and watch it grow day after day, is something every family can benefit from, while developing a sense of love towards nature, recognition towards the farmer’s work and environmental awareness.

Choosing the plants and getting the seeds
In small places, it’s best to grow a mini herb and spices garden with, to name a few, basil, oregano, mint, parsley, rosemary, watercress, thyme, chives, coriander, dill, fennel, sage, lemongrass, pepper. In larger areas, it’s possible to grow, indoors or outdoors, a larger variety of plants such as potatoes, yam, carrots, beans, arugula, spinach, radish, Barbados gooseberries, besides, of course, the fruit trees: blackberries, avocados, pitangas, Barbados cherries, lemons, jaboticabas, dragon fruits, cashews…

It’s possible to purchase seeds at a large pet or gardening store, as well as seedlings at fruits and vegetables markets. Another nice option is to use the seeds of fruits you’ve already eaten or parts of the plant, like potatoes, yams and carrots that grow back when planted. The soil and other materials can also be found in these stores. Then, it’s just a matter of choosing a garden design and get to work!

Mason jars
When using Mason jars, it’s important to place some stones or gravel at the bottom of the jar to help with water drainage, so you won’t have to pierce holes on the glass.


Plastic bottles
It’s another Eco-friendly and easy DIY option. In case you are afraid you might forget to water the plants, it’s possible to make self-irrigating containers (tutorial here, in Portuguese) or a self-irrigating vertical herb garden (tutorial here, in Portuguese).

Painted, decorated or even just metal color, they can look pretty nice in the kitchen!

Teacups and mugs
That set that’s not complete, that mug whose handle has broken… anything can become a flower pot. And remember to place some gravel or stones at the bottom like with Mason jars.